
146 Movie Reviews

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A lackluster #1 daily feature to end Picos day

Lets get the obvious out the way

animation&animation style

the 3d models were freakin awesome, I can only fathom how long it took to design these. Let alone animating, them (10 months = DAYUM!) You guys were definitely trying to go all out this year and it shows. But is it the presentation ALONE that's just chalking 10's your way to represent your :4.69?

Pretty visuals, but I may need glasses.

To answer my own question, unfortunately...yeah that's the only worthwhile thing about this flash. while the colors and artistic visuals are eye candy. The animation is is slow,fuzzy and boring. LET ME EXPLAIN, during most of the fight in the cave I couldn't tell what was going on or who was who at some points. Even the Colosseum fight with its evening sun shining had moments of blur in it, and while this may seem like an insignificant too many. It distracts from all the effort put into the visuals.

OVERALL: The visuals are eye candy but the fuzzy quality is a turn off. Just try to avoid the urge squint, because you'll be doing this...ALOT.

Just take your time, not like this is an action flash or anything....

This is an action flash, but it didn't feel very engaging. Maybe it's because this is the first time the PICO Day team has used 3d modeling, maybe not. But regardless it wasn't very life like, I did not feel one moment of "oooh" or "damn, that had to hurt". The fantastic special effects were the only thing that didn't put me to sleep.

OVERALL: the fighting was about as engaging as watching stick people bitch slap each other,slight exaggeration but there was barely any fighting and the characters were quickly transitioning from one to another I couldn't tell who is winning or loosing or even if I'm still watching the same fight. And the fuzzy quality definitely doesn't help.

Sound: (oh god, the voice acting)

While the action sound effects and the music were okay. The voice acting was a bad way to go and unfortunately had to be factored in, downgrading the entertainment value. I like some of you authors voice work like specific the MvC 3 parodies, and probably a few others that I can't recall. But whatever voice acting talent that was listenable in your previous flash just turned a dreadful 180. I almost refuse to believe these are your voices. Maybe you don't voice act as much as I like to think, but short/nerdy characters aren't your forte, hell even the giant green monster's voice didn't sound convincing, At- All! I know you had a deadline to reach but honestly, are a few more do overs too much to ask?


I'd have to agree with the few disappointed audience who claims this flash is overrated.Whether they're honest or just trying to keep their favorite flash in the #1 spot. Truth is this flash not all that impressive, and personally the medals aren't worth sticking around for. And while it is sad to put down a flash about NG's mascot and more importantly the creator of Newgrounds. In my general opinion, This flash is just a huge band wagon that I'm gonna gladly side step and await Pico day 2012's redemption.

5/10 (great visuals not much goin for it after that.)

2/5 ( a note worthy flash but FAR from greatest of all time.)

P.S: Longest review I ever done..even if you exclude the rambling...like this. XD

This parody is so true

Concept: A humorous parody mainly about all the unneccesary extra's in sonic games. It's true though SEGA has yet to produce a storyline that actually makes the supporting cast useful since sonic adventure 2.

Story: Not really a story just parodied past events in the sonic games.

Humor: the first joke with sonics ability to communicate with animals was great. While the Eggman joke was funny at first it started to get old after its third mentioning and but then got funny again when knuckles joined sonic the cast build up was hilarious. I like the way sonic's reaction toward eggmans name change, and the new members from knuckles to cream. I lost it at "WERE SONIC HEROES!" XD

Overall: a funny that speaks the truth as far as the sonic cast is concerned. And as diverse as the sonic fan base is you have to be one of those very stingy and whiny sonic fan to not laugh at this, or smirk at the very least.
8/10 stars

4/5 picos

add to faves

the most emotional portrayal of a sonic flash ever

Wow this is old I remember seeing a clip of this on Deviantart when I was more active. Glad to see it's full version even though I'm 3 years late I guess you can say it aged well.

Concept: one of the more darker sonic flashes, wth a tragic story. I've seen many but yours stands out because tails isn't exactly a popular character to star in a flash usually because he's the victim oh homo jokes and highly underrated in general. Nor is Sally for that matter, even though the sonic comics in america is goin strong. So I'm glad somebody out there gives the guys more respectable recognition.

STORY: A old school styled sonic storyline based on a sonic fan comic that is full beautiful imagery. You have inspired me to hunt down that comic one day. The story is pretty simple" good guy turns bad". But the execution makes it alot more interesting than it does summarized. While not much intense conflict as I always stress to have when it comes to Sonic flash fight scenes, This flash captures psychological pain quite powerfully. With brief clips from the characters past and intense expressive emotions, this author knows how to pull at the heart strings.

Animation: Quality of animation has improved greatly since 08 but I'll treat as if this is 08. The flow was great no choppyness what so eva and the character design for tails in his older state is awesome he even retained his cute factor you girls love so much. Sally hasn't really changed in design which is perfectly fine cause as far as she goes any design is good as long as she still retains her sexy looks ;)

sound: This where I have a problem the music just didn't seem to fit well enough, it doesn't have enough of a depressing feel nor does it have a "sonic sound" it feels more of a distraction the setting the mood. While I might be one of those few stooges I gotta say it didnt feel right to me.

A unique tragic story, it may feel kinda slow and quiet but this author has a knack for capturing emotions. Tails/sally fans this a must, as for everyone else the story is sad and dark and if you don't like those then I wouldn't recommend it.


Original but doesnt offer much..

While this genre of flash isn't my cup of tea, I can see why it got the number 1 spot.

The animation is excellent and since this being a music video that in itself opens up the excuse to use beautiful imagery and to be visually artistic as possible. And the background images and characters all have that.

(Note: there's a difference between visually pleasing and visually aroused...just stating that in case of misinterpretation.)

As for the song itself the lyrics were about a man-whore being a man whore. Where most people found humor off this I didn't really care for it. It makes sense, but it's nothing special.

Man...my review seems kinda shallow, but I gotta be honest if it wasn't for the animation this flash would probably be more of a 5.

Does it deserve number 1? Well yes, but barely. The concept is original but not that entertaining, can't see myself replaying this over and over as time goes by but it was worth watching once or twice.

7/10 stars
3/5 picos

Despite how epic this is, presentation needs work.

First off this needs a menu or something if your not gonna do that then at the very least give the audience the option to pause. If you live in a family interruptions can occur often. Also an indication if the movie is loading or not would be helpful, not everyone may have a mac or in my case a Toshiba with great internet speed. This will also give a less likely chance of some dumb ass reviewer zeroing your submission cause they don't have patience.

The quality was pretty cool and I like how you used your own character designs for these Mario characters, thanks to you Luigi is cool for once. The flow of animation is a little choppy in the middle part of the animation where it starts getting effects happy. It doesn't really hurt the flash since it only last a few seconds but it's still something to work on. The obvious pros come from the well choreographed action from beginning to end. Although I didn't get the sandwich weapon it looked delicious from where I sit. (Though as I type my stomach is growling.)

The remix of some mario 64 song was just awesome and sounds like a track that should've been put in the smash bros games. Not much to talk about aside from that, but sound effects weren't really needed thanks to that fitting song.

You seem like an awesome action flash maker hopefully I can see even more impressive submissions from you in the future, anyone who likes action shouldn't pass up this flash. Work on your animation a little more, and tone down the use of visual effects slightly...only slightly.

And thanks for one upping Peach, she had that coming for a loooooong time.

7/10 stars


the (2nd) best MVC3 parody

It was funny the first three times,but after a while its only worth a smirk. And the fact that MvC 3 Dante dominated this doesn't help either, whether it was really about Dante or not. The fact is They broke the rules and look what happened.They got #1 of all time, whether they truly deserve it or not.

As for this flash personally I think the reason this scored better was because Johhny Utah knows his Iron-man and captured his personality perfectly and even though he kinda did the same thing it was executed differently with a nice ending jesture. And I'm sure his animation style and "physics" on the ladies was a definite plus also.

in short:This is funny,but its been done with wolverine,hulk(more disturbing),and she hulk(EVEN more disturbing)

( Morrigan definitely doesn't look bad in mvc dante version either but at least the jokes are refreshing from the usual "Hi I'm rehashing the same joke style and here's why you should buy mvc3.")

7/10 stars
3/5 picos

JohnnyUtah responds:

you sir are a strange fellow. facts be damned, you will make your review known.

A timeless NG classic,

I've seen this movie since release date and I gotta tell ya this is one of those movies that I have been very hesitant to review. The hype, the unbelievable quality, and the originality of this film, at the time I never considered myself to be ready to review such a film without over praising it and at the same-time not belittling the recognition it so obviously deserves. But I think after my recent replay of this film I can express my views properly...

The orgin of Tarboy is very unique in my opinion a million beings' formed together in digital data to create a rage incarnated being made of tar? Thats pretty damn interesting, I also like the "story-time" route chosen for explanation of the origin too because it also aids in the backstory of the narrator. Who at the time isn't really that interesting until the end.

However I think there are some plotholes that were not addressed Such as the relationship between the robot masters and the gramp's. Why is he upset with them? He was never in the slave period he was just some janitor who stumbled upon the remains of tarboy.And I could be wrong but the final scene kinda emphasised he was the janitor, if not I can only assume that it's just his character quality and he hates seeing people..er,robots corrupted with greed taking advantage of the commoners.

And for that matter his only relationship with tarboy was saving his life. How does he know Tarboy isn't dangerous to him or his grandson? This question isn't really THAT big an issue since it can be resolved in the sequel assumed to come. But I overall think grandpa's background is somewhat off.

Tarboy analysis:

As a character tarboy is kinda lacking in my opinion. We know he's a tragic hero/vigilante with an awesome and/or sad origin, but after that he's not that interesting. He has little personality that can be distinguished and his design is kinda...bland. Black tar alone isn't that interesting to look at.So maybe making him look more monstrous (appendages coming out of the back, tentacles,spikes etc.) would make him feel more like a dark hero out for revenge. Instead of a stick figure with super sayian hair( I dig super sayian hair though) and the personality of Master Chief. Except Tarboy is a mute.(As far as we know)

In short: You got the backstory down, I would just like to see a more interesting character design.


As far as THIS REVIEWER is concerned the animation quality is just fantastic, most likely the main reason why Tarboy has been in the top 5 for about 2 years. The use of color was smart and creative. The stealth scene with the giant robot was kinda weak. This could be my action junkie side talking, but I wish I could have seen what was going on except a bunch of color sparks as a representation of an epic battle and then a snapped neck as a conclusion.

All in all I'm pretty much looking forward to what comes next from this original film. The story is understandable enough to get kids interested while having enough maturity to appeal too teens and young adults. And I can fairly say that compared too all the flashes I've seen in my life Tarboy is by far the most deserving #1 daily feature of all time.

Even though its been replaced by already existing franchises that have been parodied, It's still superior flash. No Mvc3 parody or dot,dot,dot spin offs is gonna change that.

10/10 (more 9-ish but I've given 10's too flashes that cant even compare)

5/5 picos (Because this should always be #1 until a more ORIGNAL and UNIQUE series arrives)

Late to the party? You guys dominated the party!

Wow I was not expecting the direction this went towards. I was expecting another bland half funny attempt at humor to match up to the Iron man parody. But as I stated in my she hulk mvc 3 review somebody needs to be the black sheep. And thank God somebody listening, (No I'm not saying I gave influence, so shut up.)

As a previous reviewer stated this is more about morrigan than Dante. The interactions with most of the mvc cast was just funny as hell.(but wheres my spider-man?) I'm not familiar with darkstalkers but I played MvC3 and I love the blondie stereotype personallity given to her,WAY more fun too watch (And keeping her sexyness also a plus)

The best one so far, if there is more to come I pray its just as good, if not better than this one.

Redminus awesome animation, Caxx love the voice, keep it up!

add to Fav's
5/5 picos
9/10 stars

I'm gettin too old for this. (seriously)

The jokes were ight I caught the outfit jokes, their sensitive joke, and the weird special attack names. It's been 10 years since I've seen a sailor moon cartoon so of course my memory of the show and the relevence this has to it, is a little skewed.

But I'm sure the jokes overall got the point across, Animation was cool and lively, it added a little bit more to the humor aswell.

Speaking for myself the humor was ok from what I could comprehend. If I were still that 9 year old kid who was new to anime I'd probably understand it more. (Then again I'd much more likely be on my dream cast playing Sonic Adventure)

I hope the rest of the audience found more in this flash then I ever could, unfortunately I'd paid the price of personal taste loong ago.

3/5 picos.

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