barely satisfying
Concept: submitting concept art for the sake of submitting.
Aesthetic: The art is on point with the style of the original madness series lots of monochromatic colors. (variation of black and white) and red. The drawing of some of the original characters are almost perfect. The art is very simplistic as known throughout the Madness series. The sound has good quality, the action sounds make sense and the gunshots are realistic cause they're louder than the punches. And the music, has that fast paced madness flare long time fans have easily grown accustomed too.
Animation: despite replicating the style to perfection with the characters ADHD bouncy movement, and bullet and melee weapon injuries are overshadowed by it's obvious flaws. Characters and items freezing or characters moving and then suddenly stopping while action sounds are still playing shouldn't be there just because you got lazy or using the fact that they're just conceptual action scenes as an excuse.( No offense)
Overall: while it captures the feel of madness it shoots itself in the foot, not for being unfinished but from the evident flaws that were overlooked. It feels kind of shoe horned just to submit old clips without making sure they run properly which greatly effects the reception, whether you're a seasoned veteran in flash or an upcoming underdog.