Anti Xbox one movement. XBOX360 Gamertag: II2none https://live.xbox.com/en-US/Home?xr=socialtwistnav

Famous Ruler @II2none

Age 32, Male

federal employee

Riverdale, GA

Joined on 7/21/07

Exp Points:
722 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.08 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

II2none's News

Posted by II2none - April 15th, 2012

Destined to be a hell of a damn good show since pilot episode. 10/10

The Legend of Korra

Posted by II2none - March 31st, 2012

The first Video Game Soundtrack I ever purchased. Sonic Adventure 2 was not only a great game but it also had a fantastic soundtrack with about as much variety as it's predecessor.Aisde from the gameplay, the Kick ass boss themes and awesome vocals was a definite contributing factor as to why Sonic Advenuture 2 : Battle is usually considered the top or underdog of the Sonic franchise.

Also I never felt "Sonic Adventure Battle 2" was right, I know people here type it like that buuuuut the way that sounds just rub me the wrong way. Anyway enjoy the music, make comparisons, or leave snarky comments, whatev...

Like the first list the countdown starts at 10 and works down.

Eggman's Theme

Egg Quarters

Metal Harbor

It Doesn't Matter
(I like the first one better it captures more of Sonic's inner personality while this one is more focused on his outer)

Masters of The Desert (A.K.A Egg Golem's theme)

Aquatic Mine

For True Story (Sonic vs Shadow final)

City Escape

Supporting Me (A.K.A Biolizard's theme)

If you've seen my past VG threads it should come to no surprise why this theme is listed. Haunting melody combined with the creepy and menacing boss design results in one of the coolest boss experiences ever. Knowing the storyline of Shadow makes this song even more meaningful and gives the Biolizard even more character hidden within his badass appearance.

Live and Learn

Hell the title version alone blew me away as a kid, now its been 11 damn years and this song is still just as addictive as ever. I'm sure this song being listed as number one will spark some annoyance to some but c'mon give me a break! This song defines Sonic Adventure 2, the story, the characters, almost everything about it. What I love about it the most is that you can relate it to personal life experiences because the songs title is pretty much what life is all about and who can't appreciate a song that speaks such a relatable if not uplifting message.

If some of you think I'm over analyzing "some video game song" then we can at least agree if there's one thing SEGA gets right EVERYTIME it's the soundtrack. It still sends chills down my spine when this plays while taking on the FINAL HAZARD with SuperSonic and SuperShadow, sworn enemies putting aside there differences against a threat bigger then themselves. and Crush 40's vocals combined with Jun Sunoe's musical composition is a dangerous one-two combo that left a everlasting impact on gamers everywhere.

Posted by II2none - March 12th, 2012

1) It doesn't matter

2) Speed Highway

3) Chaos 6 boss theme

4) Open your heart (game version)

5) Lost World

6) E 102-theme

7) Eggman's Theme

8) Perfect chaos theme

9) Fight for my own way

10) Final Egg

Posted by II2none - February 26th, 2012

Posted by II2none - February 1st, 2012

DAMN RIGHT! This a bonus dvd that come with the Sonic Generations collectors edition exclusively to UK and Austrailia. ( I blame you nostalgia whores bitching every 5 seconds) This discuss thedevelopers behind the Hedgehog. Notice how they don't mention sonic 2006, lol which is ironic because they have a level (Crisis City) contribution to the game.

Posted by II2none - February 1st, 2012

Now I need a car...

Posted by II2none - January 24th, 2012

I'm just venting my annoyance over a game delivery. I was shipped the right case (Sonic Adventure DX) With the WRONG GAME! (Shamu's Seaworld Adventure A.K.A BULLSHIT!)

How hard is it to CHECK THE DAMN GAMES PEOPLE SELL TO YOU!It may have been a rare mistake and I was just the unlucky costumer of the day. However what time could've been spent reliving my childhood now has to be spent in sorting out their incompetence because they don't have the common sense to open a damn USED case!

I really, REALLY hope this isn't common for them otherwise careless stupidity is going to end their business.

Now that I'm slightly less irritated don't forget to request a review of one of your favorite flashes/games five slots left and suggestions close upcoming Sunday.

Posted by II2none - January 15th, 2012

Posted by II2none - December 29th, 2011

I'm almost at the 200 review mark and I figured what the hell I'll start a personal tradition. From now on every time I'm nearing the hundreds in my review count I'll ask the members of the forums to suggest me their favorite flashes of choice. The choice of flash has no rules BUT I will choose the ones I'm most interested in.ONLY 10 WILL MAKE THE CUT and I'll only choose the ones that look most interesting to me.

Once I hit 190 reviews I'll make a thread in the general forum about it for all to see. ABSOLUTELY NO SUGGESTIONS UNTIL THEN.

Posted by II2none - December 20th, 2011

Game design has taken its toll from overcoming artist block to testing my patience working with unfamiliar high tech software such as Maya and Photoshop. Despite my love for games the hard truth is while I respect the developers that can persevere through the bugs of working with "state of the art" software and going through tons of trial and error until someone finally likes your work.

The hard truth is I'm more captivated in the escapism of games rather than the development proceeding it into existence.

Soooo, after tossing and turning for many months at night thinking what I want to do with my life It hit me, the major i should've been pursuing all along.

English with hopes of becoming a Video Game Journalist.

I read up on it Here It's some pretty interesting stuff even though they try to scare ya with deadlines and all that noise it didn't phase me. Cause lets be honest what job doesn't have early deadlines?

So instead of paying an arm and a leg to go to Art institute of Atlanta and receive migraines from complicated software on a regular basis. I'd feel I'd have much more fun doing, well What I do on Newgrounds. Trying to make fair reviews for triple A games on a daily basis.