Okay I have a Wii and the purchase of one was just to get my hands on the best nintendo title ever Super Smash Bros Brawl. Thanks to my fasination for one of the few nintendo games I do care for and me Being more of a 360 guy, the little white box has been neglected for about 2 years or so from it's own companies game like a neglected puppy.
I need you experienced wii players to toss me some reccomended games THAT ARE NINTENDO BASED so I can stop seeing Wii exclusive games as trying new and foreign foods.
NOTICE: don't recommend me Wii titles that are like Japanese exclusives (or just have Japanese dialogue without english subtitles) something, cause there's no way in hell I'll care about a game so much that I'll go on ebay just to get it shipped from a continent. *skims Japans exclusive game list* Also- O_O SONIC ADVENTURE 3 JAPAN EXCLUSIVE, THE HELL IT IS!!! <--( This is called a joke so all ignorant comments related to it will be ignored...nah I'll just call you an idiot. XD)
So without further ado heres my piss pour list for the Wii
Currently played Wii games:
SSBB (Duh)
Sonic Colors ("Duh" is an understatement for this game)
Metroid Prime 3
Mario Kart (Couldn't get into it enough to purchase it.)
Mario Galaxy (Couldn't get into it enough to purchase it.)
Sonic and the secret Rings (only reason its on my shelf is because I'm a Sonic whore, I'm a fan but even I know when a sonic game is bad and did not buy this till 3 years after its release date.)
Manhunt 2 (played it but sold it back to Game Stop, the atmosphere was no where near the original's manhunt theme, but the story was unique and the acting was superb. However this isn't a movie now is it?)
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (First Wii game, and of course it was mediocre at best)
Wii games I plan on getting in the future:
House of the dead 2/overkill
The Grinder
Excite Truck
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=ht tp://www.destructoid.com/elephant/ul/1 11309-wii.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.des tructoid.com/nielsen-group-people-actu ally-play-the-wii-regularly-111309.pht ml&usg=__CO04wcDwcVYOHK3UaGX52F546bc=&
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