Creative,decent gameplay with not so "haha" comedy
Concept: pretty much an improved version of the original, gameplay wise anyway. It's alot more interactive and removed a lot of the "fall and see a bad joke/pun" stages that was infested in the original. it also retained it's "internet humor" but I'll get to that later.
Gameplay: At first this game was kinda a drag, half the game was nothing but trial and error. Nothing was gained besides seeing humorless jokes for each scenario. For a while getting from point A-point B felt more like a chore than a fun game, but as I got into the later levels game play was improving gradually. The platforming was pretty cool even though some of it was borrowed from recent video games and that feeling of enjoyment felt like it was returning but never quite exposed itself through physical/emotional expression.
My favorite level was when you played as justin beiber and edward ONLY because of the unique,and humorous strategy it involved to reach the goal also it kinda represented their zombie preteen-mid teen fan-base.( if it wasn't for the execution of smart game design would you blame me if I scored you lower?) If the whole game was like the later levels I would've been far more satisfied,still this is a huge improvement from your first game...*looks at title* this is your second game right?
Humor: I'll be honest, the humor was lacking overall I never really cared for popular "internet jokes". So the ending jokes for each scenario was more of an annoyance, especially the troll jokes, I hate them with a passion. However I did smile at the joke that had to do with Andy's mom being single and its relation ship it had with the two main characters of Toy Story. Aside from that though all the others were "wtf" moments.
Animation: Although this is a game, animation was pretty consistent. It was decent and I suppose it was trying to aid in the humor but...not quite. Although it did make reaching the end of some levels feel somewhat more accomplishing.
Overall: Although not very entertaining, this game is full of pop culture humor with jokes that are somewhat true (I'm lookin at you Facebook). I'm sure 75-85% of newgrounds eat this stuff up. But what it lacks in humor it is made up for by it's game-play in the later half. it had mechanics (ones that weren't borrowed from Portal 2 as far as I know) that were pretty interesting and I hope your desire to play stays alive long enough just to experience the cool and overall simplistic platforming.
less "fall,die, read joke levels", To be fair they are getting less repetitive, but I rather not have any.
More interesting platforming
Better in funnier jokes , but I'm a hard case when it comes to internet humor so I guess these can stay for the sake of your fans and overall score.