Shot yourself in the foot
Concept: Combining pong and break the blocks to get super, mega, ultra, happy fun time Brick Duel!!! ( Sorry the voice actor makes a convincing asian accent)
Aesthetic: Not much going for it. While the saturation of black wallpaper and 8 bit music gives an appropriate retro feel. There's not much else worth mentioning. I which there were sound effects that represented the action going on in a game as well as a more inspiring presentation of a power up such as when your ball becomes a fireball it actually LOOKS like a fireball.
Animation: Well of course there's not much to expect givin what the game is based on. The speed of the ball is appropriate and the paddles also move at an acceptable speed. But as I stated earlier you could've put more effort into the special effects besides a temporary color swap so there's something that actually stands out from all the black backgrounds and stationary bland white bricks.
Gameplay: (Go ahead and grab a cup of coffee I'll wait.....)
Okay, your single player is really stale, For starters the game isn't very engaging. You can beat the AI on any difficulty without the power ups, it almost feels like they're just shunned in. The only time it beats me is when it gets a fireball, and even then it only wins because there's no break period between starting a new round leaving the player feeling cheated.
But what really gets me is you missed out on the bread and butter, FOURPLAY. I played it (even though no one else was available to join in) and let me tell you it was more satisfying and engaging than playing against the so called "hard" AI in classic mode. It seems like this is the mode that was suppose to rack in the 7-10's stars, but damn it all, you decided to get lazy. Do you realize how much better off this game would've been if you went that extra mile into your game design? The gameplay would be faster, more chaotic and more enjoyable than that bland classic mode ever could. Were all human but hell I'd prefer to at least see the PROOF in the pudding that you have the potential to make a better game overall, rather than FEEL you have the potential but put it off because "you got lazy or some shit like that..."
Not to scold or put you down but it's just a shame that you decided to miss out on a golden opportunity to create what could've the savior of this game as well as the possible inspiration of a new stand alone game on its own. "4 way Super Brick Duel" From the title alone who wouldn't want to at least consider playing this?At least you were honest.
Overall: Inexperience is an inconvenience, laziness is the culprit . What could've have possibly been a mediocre game with a huge highlight unfortunately is just an uninspired fusion of two classics that had potential but lacked the drive.
"Review Request Club"