A new original comedy.
Concept: a sequel to the first about a stickman who can't fight. While the first one was lacking I'm pleased to say this is a decent improvement from the first. Despite how painfully sshort these are I'm looking foward to the next installment.
Humor: Definately the highlight of the flash, while the action is lacking, hence the title. The comedy is pure gold, people may give raised eyebrows at that last sentence but I'm a sucker for well executed physical and pop culture humor. After seeing that matrix fail I had to contain my burst of laughter at 1 am in the mornin.
Although you atre already improving I would just like a lengthier flash. Of course ultimately it's your call. I could see the idea that a longer drawn out flash of this series might not have comedy that may be as memorable. but in the end I don'r care cause, YOU FUNNY.
Despite how painfully short these the comedy here is well worth it and well done for a 2 minute flash. guitan11 seems fairly new and already has me hooked on this new comedy. Keep it up and I'll definitely be on the look out for your next sequel as well as your other works.